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Enquiry Management system
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Enquiry Management system

Our Enquiry Management System is designed and developed to overcome the complications that many businesses face in keeping track of the enquiries or leads that they receive. With the help of our EMS capturing and managing existing leads has become simple and effective in today’s always-on digital landscape. Our EMS not only helps you in nurturing leads for your organization but also helps to retain customers and maintain communication after the sales. Nurturing process in our EMS includes prospectus details by email, follow-up by phone, follow-up by SMS, customer engagement by newsletters, discount offers to customers etc., this entire task should be on time. An EMS covers this entire task in a simple and easy manner, which leads to higher conversion of enquiries and higher revenue.

What services we are providing

EMS Lead Capture

Enquiry management software is designed to efficiently capture leads from various sources, ensuring that no potential customer inquiry goes unnoticed. This includes capturing leads from website contact forms, emails, phone calls, and social media channels. The software typically provides tools to create customizable lead capture forms that can be embedded on websites or landing pages, making it easy for visitors to submit their contact information and inquiries.

EMS Lead Tracking

Once a lead is captured, enquiry management software tracks the progress of each lead through the sales funnel. This includes recording all interactions and touchpoints with the lead, such as emails, phone calls, meetings, and website visits. By tracking these interactions, businesses can gain valuable insights into the lead's interests, preferences, and behavior, enabling them to tailor their approach and communication to better meet the lead's needs.

EMS Lead Assignment

Enquiry management software automates the process of assigning leads to sales representatives based on predefined rules or criteria. This ensures that leads are distributed fairly and efficiently among the sales team, preventing leads from slipping through the cracks or being neglected. Lead assignment rules can be based on factors such as geographic location, product or service interest, lead score, or sales territory, ensuring that each lead is assigned to the most appropriate sales representative.

EMS Communication Management

Effective communication is key to converting leads into customers, and enquiry management software helps businesses manage their communication with leads effectively. The software provides tools for sending personalized emails, SMS messages, and making phone calls to leads. It also includes features such as email templates, automated follow-up reminders, and integration with CRM systems to ensure that all communications are logged and tracked.

EMS Lead Nurturing

Enquiry management software helps businesses nurture leads by providing them with relevant and timely information based on their interests and stage in the sales funnel. This includes sending targeted emails, newsletters, and offers to keep leads engaged and interested in the company's products or services. Lead nurturing helps build trust and credibility with leads, increasing the likelihood of converting them into customers.

EMS Integration

Enquiry management software integrates seamlessly with other business systems and tools to streamline processes and improve efficiency. This includes integration with customer relationship management (CRM) systems, marketing automation platforms, and email marketing tools. Integration ensures that lead information is synchronized across systems, enabling businesses to track leads from initial contact to conversion and beyond. Integration also enables businesses to automate repetitive tasks, such as lead assignment and follow-up, saving time and improving productivity.

OUR Enquiry Management system PROCESS


During the analysis phase of an Enquiry Management system, a detailed examination of organizational objectives and available resources is conducted.


In the design phase of an Enquiry Management system, the focus shifts towards creating a blueprint for the system based on the findings from the analysis phase.


During the development phase of an Enquiry Management system, the focus is on transforming the design concepts into a functional platform.


During the testing phase of an Enquiry Management system, rigorous evaluation is conducted to ensure its functionality and reliability.


During the deployment phase of an Enquiry Management system, the finalized solution is implemented and made accessible to users.


In the support phase of an Enquiry Management system, ongoing assistance is provided to users to ensure smooth operation and address any issues or questions that arise.


With years of experience in developing Enquiry Management Systems (EMS), we have a deep understanding of the diverse needs and challenges faced by businesses across various industries. Our experience enables us to deliver EMS solutions that are tailored to meet the specific requirements of each industry, ensuring that our clients get the most out of their EMS investment.

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We understand that every business is unique, which is why our EMS is highly customizable. Our EMS can be tailored to fit your unique business requirements, allowing you to capture, manage, and track enquiries in a way that aligns with your business goals. Whether you need custom fields, workflows, or reporting capabilities, our EMS can be customized to meet your specific needs.

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User-Friendly Interface

Our EMS features a user-friendly interface to ensure ease of use for your employees. We understand the importance of a simple and intuitive interface in an EMS, as it can help improve user adoption and productivity. Our user-friendly interface makes it easy for your employees to access and utilize the EMS, enabling them to efficiently manage enquiries and follow-up activities.

User-Friendly Interface


Our EMS is designed to seamlessly integrate with other systems and tools, such as CRM software, email marketing platforms, and customer support systems. This integration capability allows you to centralize your enquiry management process and streamline your business operations. Whether you need to integrate your EMS with your website or your accounting software, our EMS can help you achieve seamless integration.

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We provide dedicated support and training to ensure successful implementation and usage of our EMS. Our team of experts is available to help you with any issues or questions you may have, and we provide comprehensive training to ensure that your employees are comfortable using the EMS. With our support and training services, you can maximize the value of your EMS investment and drive business growth.

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Our EMS is scalable, allowing it to accommodate your growing business needs. Whether you're a small startup or a large enterprise, our EMS can scale to meet your growing enquiry management requirements. As your business expands and evolves, our EMS can adapt to accommodate your changing requirements, ensuring that you always have the tools you need to effectively manage enquiries and drive business success.

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With years of experience in developing Enquiry Management Systems (EMS), we have a deep understanding of the diverse needs and challenges faced by businesses across various industries. Our experience enables us to deliver EMS solutions that are tailored to meet the specific requirements of each industry, ensuring that our clients get the most out of their EMS investment.

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Gateway To Efficiency, Productivity And Growth.

Experience simplified time and project management with the powerful, feature-rich WDM PMS tool, and free up valuable resources including yourself, for critical business process. Say goodbye to micromanagement, and enjoy the freedom offered by a single tool and centralized database to manage all your projects, tasks, deadlines, and messages.

Our Enquiry Management system Services

Lead Capture

Capture and store leads generated from various sources, such as website forms or phone calls.

Lead Assignment

Assign leads to appropriate sales or support representatives for follow-up.

Lead Tracking

Track the status of leads through the sales or support pipeline.

Communication Tools

Communicate with leads through email, SMS, or other communication channels directly within the system.

Reporting and Analytics

Generate reports and gain insights into lead conversion rates, response times, and team performance.


Integrate with CRM systems, email marketing platforms, or other tools to streamline processes.


An Enquiry Management System is a software tool used to capture, track, and manage leads or enquiries generated from various sources.

An Enquiry Management System can help streamline lead management processes, improve response times, and increase conversion rates.

Yes, our Enquiry Management System can be customized to meet the specific requirements of your business.

We offer comprehensive support and training for our Enquiry Management System to ensure successful implementation and usage.

Yes, our Enquiry Management System is designed to integrate seamlessly with other systems and tools.

The cost of an Enquiry Management System varies depending on your business requirements. Contact us for a customized quote.

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