Do you have a talent for writing and design? For creative authors looking to communicate their knowledge and share resources with the community through blogs and articles, Web Digital Mantra is the ideal blog platform.
Our goal is to create a central location where web designers, web developers, digital marketers, SEO specialists, and other creative professionals worldwide can obtain helpful advice, tools, and other domain-related information.
Web Digital Mantra will be your go-to choice for honing your abilities to become an expert in the field, regardless of your level of experience.
We are accepting guest posts on the following topics:
- Search Engine Optimization
- Website Development
- Ecommerce Development
- IOS/Android App Development
- Digital Marketing
- Domain and Hosting
- Content Writing
- Graphics Designing
- Learning Management System
- Manufacturing ERP Software
- Post Billing
- Enquiry Management System
- Gaming Software
How to Submit Guest Posts: A Complete Guideline
1. Article length should be between 1000 to 1500 words and can cover various topics as mentioned above.
2. The blog should have original content and not have been published anywhere before submission.
3. We won't accept submissions from the same author to other editors more than once.
4. We will respond to your blog post within three days of it being submitted.
5. Your content should remain relevant and follow the area of expertise.
6. The content should be high-quality, plagiarism-free, not AI-written, and free of grammatical errors. We will not update if we find any of these issues.
7. A maximum of two images is allowed, and a high-quality image with relevance should be included.
8. Every keyword used needs to be included in the content, and anchor text links should combine target keywords.
9. We provide do-follow links.
You can find us on Google using these queries:
● “write for us Web Development”
● “write for us + Web Development”
● “write for us” + “Web Design”
● “guest posting” + “Web design & development”
● “submit guest post” + “Web Design”
● “Digital Marketing + guest post”
● “submit Web development guest post”
● “write for us” + “SEO”
● “write for us Web Development”
● “write for us + SEO”
● “guest posting” + “Web Development”
● “submit guest post” + “Web Development”
● “Web Development guest post”
● “free guest posting” + “Web Development”
● “submit Web Development guest post”
● “write for us + eCommerce Development”
● “submit a guest post” + “WordPress Development”

Author Bio: Let Our Readers Know About You*
1. Your Full Name.
2. Your Profile Pic: 500px x 500px (JPG or PNG format).
3. A short description (at least 250 characters).
4. Your Social Media Link
You can send an email to and attach the required files.